0 2093
By Katie Joly The Stanley Cup Final is here! Time to call your neighbors, friends, and family for game night! And nothing goes better with game...

0 2648
The temperatures are rising and sometimes you just want a sweet treat. These coconut...

0 1948
By Katie Joly The recent lawsuit filed by the family of former New York Rangers enforcer, Derek Boogaard, has added more scrutiny to an already sensitive...

0 2217
By Katie Joly As a fitness instructor, I am often asked by participants in my classes about fitness trends and whether or...

0 3072
Photo: NHL Alumni Obviously, we are all about hockey, hockey and drinking often go...

0 1858
Many people are concerned about how to rebuild and replenish after a workout, however few people realize that what is eaten before competition and...

0 2049
It's that time of year, when the weather gets warm and we head into...

0 2201
Staying adequately hydrated during sport and exercise is necessary to optimize performance, prolong fatigue and protect...

0 3004
Having a good music playlist is key for any athlete. Music has the power to...

0 2193
After a strenuous workout the body has lost fluids and electrolytes, and burned...