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By Megan MacDonald   I’ve always said that this Healthy Choices series wasn’t about the number on the scale. It was about making your life healthier...

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It's common knowledge that drinking water and lots of it is a good thing. What happens when you just don't like the taste of...
Sport Skill Transfer

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By Mark Healey Most coaching and fitness professionals understand the importance of developing a diverse set of sport-related motor skills to achieve elite status in...

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By Kristen Brunsdon Unfortunately, now that off season has finally begun, some of us may be finding...

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By Katie Joly Months ago, I posted an article under the Health section of Pink Puck talking about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and the benefits...

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In my time with the Pink Puck, I've written my fair share of hockey pieces,...

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By Katie Joly As a fitness instructor, I am often asked by participants in my classes about fitness trends and whether or...

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Many people are concerned about how to rebuild and replenish after a workout, however few people realize that what is eaten before competition and...

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Staying adequately hydrated during sport and exercise is necessary to optimize performance, prolong fatigue and protect...

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Having a good music playlist is key for any athlete. Music has the power to...