0 798
Only one NHL hat trick has been scored in overtime, and it happened to be the only NHL hat trick scored by Ken...

0 662
Back-to-back penalty-free games in Toronto when New York teams were visiting. Was everyone on their best behavior or were the officials lax? The news...

0 1091
Swedish Borje Salming was not the first European to play in the NHL, but he was the first European-trained player to reach all-star...

0 1623
The anthem has been sung, the game has started, and before anyone can even take a sip of their beverage of choice, the first...

0 1250
The New York Rangers seem to have been in the giving mood on December 18 in 1952 and 1965 as they...

0 1197
(Photo: The Vancouver Sun, as found on Newspapers.com) The night of December 10 was not a good one for two goalies playing...

2 972
(Photo: Fortunate4now , from Wikimedia Commons) Two of the NHL’s top 100 players retired on the same date, November 24, 50...

1 1608
(Photo: , via Wikimedia Commons) Hockey teams and their fans grow out of their arenas. This happened to the Toronto Maple Leafs,...

0 2013
In the 1950s, television became the new frontier. After two decades of radio broadcasts covering hockey games, in 1952 audiences finally could watch their...

0 809
Chicago to Toronto to Montreal and back to Chicago – Dick Irvin came full circle and made his mark along the way. In...