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In case you missed it; part 1 of this series was The Atlantic Division.  How are the goalies looking as the season...

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Shannon Szabados has made a lot of headlines this year, and it doesn't look like she has any plans to stop. The Olympic goaltender...

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(photo:espn.go.com) Apparently nobody told the SPHL how North American professional sports operate. There are the men's leagues, which receive funding and national attention,...

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(photo courtesy: Fred Zwicky/ Peoria Journal Star) Hockey is a fast game and injuries happen, from high speed collisions mid ice to board rattling checks...
Shannon Szabados

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(photo:al.com) At a certain point, with certain athletes, you stop asking how they'll fare against new situations, and start asking how new situations will fare...

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(Photo: http://www.foxradio.ca/) With the NHL well into the playoffs, there seems to have been nothing but discussion on game updates, player...

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(photo: thesphl.com) In all honesty, nobody really thought the series would even get this far.

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(photo: Columbus Cottonmouths) By Hayley Musashi The Columbus Cottonmouths, part of the South Professional Hockey League (SPHL) announced Friday morning...