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Here at The Pink Puck, we come across hockey articles everyday- it's a refreshing change to read something unrelated to the lockout. In an...

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As of today, the game we love, is not going to happen.  We will sit in front of our empty TV screens, staring into...

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Today October 2nd,  marks the 20th anniversary of The Mighty Ducks hitting the ice, well on the big screen at least. The movie eventually...

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It's almost here... well, maybe...not yet..soon, we hope. Well... The hockey season might or might not come to TVs everywhere this winter, time will tell. I...

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For many girls, wanting to marry an athlete is the ultimate dream. A fairy-tale lifestyle...

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Twelve players, twelve sticks, twelve pairs of skates, ten helmets, two masks. The equipment breakdown is the same no matter what team you play...

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By Rochelle Bergman It is Friday August 10th and I am sitting in my garden. The sun is shining and hockey is the most remote idea in...

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Another guest post for the beauties over at Wheels Hockey: “Dictionary.com definition:...

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June, a month where it’s possible to ride the continued waves of excitement brought on by the NHL playoffs, NHL Awards and of course...

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wheelshockey.com With many things in life, the line between like and love is extremely...