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You’ve all had that phone call from a loved one or friend, “I’m in your area, can I stop by to say hi? I’ll be there in about 20 minutes.” From start to finish, these little delights take about just that and taste like you’ve been baking all day long. They’re also a great cookie to bring to a function, mail to a loved one or try baking with a little one.

You’ll need:

1 box chocolate cake mix (If *gasp* you don’t like chocolate, you can use vanilla, lemon, strawberry… the options are endless)
1/2 cup canola oil
2 eggs
1 cup powdered sugar 

Parchment paper
Cookie sheet

Directions, pre-heat over to 350 degrees

1. Mix the cake mix, canola oil and eggs together in a bowl.
2. In a separate bowl, place your powdered sugar.
3. Once mixed, take a spoonful of dough and drop it into the bowl of powered sugar, roll around until covered, then place cookie on a piece of parchment paper on cookie sheet.
4. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the cookie has a lightly crisp outside to the touch.
Optional, once you’ve taken the cookies out of the oven, allow to cool 3-4 minutes, then dip the tops in whatever excess powdered sugar you might have.


Winter was hooked on hockey by age 6, when she first witnessed a bench clearing brawl between the Boston Bruins and the Ottawa Senators. Growing from hockey fan to hockey player, Winter followed her passions by founding The Pink Puck. While she also loves fashion and the outdoors, hockey will always be her center ice. Email: winter@thepinkpuck.com Twitter: @Winter_Adams



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