Oh matinees, how I love thee. I don’t know what it is, but matinee starts are always a sure fire way to put me in a stellar mood. Also, playing teams where I own virtually nothing in their color scheme makes getting dressed for press level a tiny bit easier. Purple, I’m looking at you. With the 3 pm start time, I decided to go a little bit more casual… half the men on press level wear jeans, sneakers and a blazer, why can’t we? Well, because we would probably be judged and ridiculed for being under dressed — so I found a happy medium.


Gray jeans, Forever 21, $15.99
Blue blouse, I honestly have no idea, but I think a consignment shop in Boston, Price unknown
Black blazer, Forever 21, $16.98
Black heels, gift, price unknown

Media Tip: Throw a small container of Purell in your bag, it’s germ season and it’s just a smart safety precaution.

Winter was hooked on hockey by age 6, when she first witnessed a bench clearing brawl between the Boston Bruins and the Ottawa Senators. Growing from hockey fan to hockey player, Winter followed her passions by founding The Pink Puck. While she also loves fashion and the outdoors, hockey will always be her center ice. Email: winter@thepinkpuck.com Twitter: @Winter_Adams



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