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Many of you may be familiar with the children’s book “Flat Stanley“, well a close friend of The Pink Puck with long standing ties of supporting our troops (and to hockey), has altered the idea to bring you “Flat Soldier”. We have fantastic readers across the world and thought that some of you might like to participate in this fun project. It doesn’t matter what state or country you reside in, the broader the reach, the better!

Here’s what our close friend had to say about Operation Flat Soldier:

“Flat Stanley is a project that many students (and teachers!) enjoy doing to learn about travelling, map reading, and all sorts of wonderful things! I have adapted the concept and turned it around to make a fun travel book for one of my adopted soldiers currently in Afghanistan! You have in your possession a flat-version of one of my adoptees. He is ready for some adventures with friends and family!

Please take him on adventures. It could be cooking in the kitchen, going for a drive, helping in the garage, seeing the local sites, or going fabulous places!! Set him up, snap a picture, and send it to me with a description of the activity! Send as many pictures as you like. The options are limitless!! And I will put everything together in a book and send it to the soldier. Think about how much love and support will be in that book!!! It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know you. You took the time to do this, which shows kindness and compassion! From everyday events (drinking coffee in the kitchen), which are greatly missed while deployed, to the hilarious or harrowing (PLEASE don’t let him fall ALL THE WAY down Niagara Falls!!!! But if you do, TAKE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!), photos and stories are greatly appreciated!!

It would be awesome to get some pictures of Flat Soldier doing funny things (I’ve seen pictures of a martial artist bowing to a Flat Soldier, then appearing to be flipped by him, and then having FS sitting triumphantly on his chest. Hilarious!!!!), so let your creativity flow! Mine took a trip to the Bobby Orr statue at the Garden. I taped him to the statue to make it appear like he is flying through the air with him.”

If you’d like to participate in Operation Flat Soldier, please send an email to pinkpuck@thepinkpuck.com – we’ll give you more information, the pdf for printing Flat Soldier and the email address to send your photos to by October 1st! Don’t have a printer, don’t worry – our friend will gladly mail you a pre-printed Flat Soldier so you can participate in the project as well.

We can’t wait to see what adventures our Pink Puck readers take Flat Soldier on!


Winter was hooked on hockey by age 6, when she first witnessed a bench clearing brawl between the Boston Bruins and the Ottawa Senators. Growing from hockey fan to hockey player, Winter followed her passions by founding The Pink Puck. While she also loves fashion and the outdoors, hockey will always be her center ice. Email: winter@thepinkpuck.com Twitter: @Winter_Adams



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