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In my time with the Pink Puck, I’ve written my fair share of hockey pieces, done a few interviews, and even created a DIY post, but never once have I dared to go near our health section. Until now.

Growing up, I was the “big” girl. Sure I was tall, but I was also chunky and at some point I just accepted that as my lot in life. Looking back at old photos – to ones even as recent as my Sweet Sixteen – I’ve realized I was never as fat as I made myself think. As a result, I didn’t care about what I ate or how much I exercised and I let myself reach 225 pounds in my senior year of high school.



By Megan MacDonald

It wasn’t until recently I noticed I was starting to lose the weight, not that I was trying. I started walking to Starbucks to write everyday (3.3 KM each way with a 15-30 lbs purse, not including wandering around stores along the way) and drinking more water (4-8 cups a day). Before I knew it, I dropped 13 lbs in three months. Without dieting and with minimal exercise.

image So I’ve decided to chronicle my new found enthusiasm for getting healthy – mostly to force myself to not give up on it – right here on the Pink Puck. Today, I weight 212 lbs and my goal weight by the end of the off season is 180, which is about 6-7 lbs per month. My goal is to weigh in with you once a month, every month from June until October like my own personal episode of the Biggest Loser (but sadly without the personal trainer).


I’m doing this in hopes that I’ll be able to inspire some of you who may not think you can do it. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it and I hope you join me on this adventure.

My plan is to simply make smarter food choices – journaling to hold myself accountable – to drink more water, and to exercise in ways that I’ll enjoy so it doesn’t feel like work – like heading to the pool, playing a little street hockey, or even walking that 3.3KM to Starbucks (Venti Cool Lime Refresher is only 80 calories!).

You don’t need to start an extreme diet or commit to go to the gym everyday, but making small healthy changes is a great place to start.
You can follow me on Twitter @MeganMacDee, I’d love to hear from you if you’re joining my little changes challenge!



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