I sat. I waited. I had hoped. But still the strike is on! Will we see a game played this season, at all? Maybe. Don’t hold your hockey stick too high, there is a bigger chance that this season is out.
I sat. I waited. I had hoped. When I hear the TV news in the morning, I stop what I am doing to hear anything about hockey and the strike. The two sides seem to be so far apart that it will take a Christmas miracle to get the two sides even speaking.
I sat. I waited. I had hoped. One day while I was searching the net, I noticed this little column about the strike. I realized this is the Christmas miracle we have been waiting for. This is for the hard core lovers of the sport. It is for the people who spend their last dime for a ticket. For the lovers of cold hot dogs at the game. For taking your kid to the game for the first time and watching him doze in the third period, with a huge foam finger resting on his lap.