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…is the mask! Goaltenders are a rare species, it takes a certain kind of person to willingly stand in a net and have hard cold pucks shot at you in varying speeds. Goalies tend to be a little on the quirky side. The best part of being a goalie is being able to help design the mask.

While an entire team is uniform, it’s the goalie that get’s to exhibit that tiny bit of flare. More often then not, a mask will exhibit elements important to the goalie. A mask allows the goalie to be individual while still being a part of the team. The folks over at Sports Illustrated compiled a gallery of the goalies masks in the entire NHL. Check em’ out!


Winter was hooked on hockey by age 6, when she first witnessed a bench clearing brawl between the Boston Bruins and the Ottawa Senators. Growing from hockey fan to hockey player, Winter followed her passions by founding The Pink Puck. While she also loves fashion and the outdoors, hockey will always be her center ice. Email: winter@thepinkpuck.com Twitter: @Winter_Adams



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